Tag Archives: travel


31 May

One of my favorite experiences this year took place in Big Sur on the Pacific Coast Highway in California. Joey and I started out in LA and drove up to San Francisco, staying with friends and their cats, as well as a few nights at inns and hotels.BIG SUR

We made the stop at the recommendation of a trusted advisor. She suggested we stop in at Nepenthe when we reached Big Sur. We arrived and pulled off the road into the parking lot and luckily found a spot as soon as we entered. (I may have just made my own spot, same thing.) This place was packed with people taking the same drive we were, following the advice of their friends as well, I assume.

The wait for a table overlooking the cliffs of mountains meeting up with the sandy shore was about an hour. An hour wait in the middle of nowhere, it seemed so wrong, but we decided to hang out. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made this year.

I enjoyed a beer and a burger while sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out into the sky, the sea and the trees.


Nepenthe, which I believe takes its name from an ancient drug known to cure grief and sorrow, is accurately named. Looking out into the horizon, one could not feel anything but awe. There is something about this stretch of road and wilderness which energizes and soothes deep into the soul. Clearly, I highly recommend this stop if you ever make this drive yourself.


One small year.

3 Apr

It has been exactly one year since my first post on this blog and I’m completely surprised at how it has gone since then. I really had no idea it would be so food centered. I really thought it was going to be more of a design centered blog. No biggie.

I’ve created some pretty tasty recipes and dozens of photos to accompany them (remember the Bourbon Soaked Cherries or the Cheddar and Walnut Stuffed Mushrooms ?!?). I wholeheartedly enjoy the process of documenting what I’ve made as I’m making it. With that in mind, I think I’ll keep this site going on that same path for the future.

I’ve done interviews with some pretty awesome people about projects they are working on, and even made new friends in the process. (I’m talking about you, Joy Wilson.)

It was also an enjoyment to document road trips and vacations. Like that time I fell in love with Maine and the ocean and swimming in a rock quarry and the food and the people and the sleeping nook.

There have even been times where I thought I was crafty and made some things like these:

I’ll be continuing that all in the future, and add more into the mix as well.

With that said, I’ll be out of commission for a bit. I’m going in for heart surgery on Thursday (third times a charm, right?). With that in mind, I’m guessing I won’t be doing too many blog posts in the next two or three weeks. I promise to use the time to think up fun, tasty and aesthetically appealing content. And then I’ll use the remaining time I’m home from work to get all of those ideas posted up on here.

Also, in the next few months, Joey and I will be launching a new site! We have some pretty great ideas (well, at least we think     so) for content. We also have some amazing people on board to contribute, and I can’t wait to get that going for real.

And, since we’re talking openly, I may or may not change the name of this blog. Do we all like the name of this blog? Do I? I have no idea

Anyway, thank you all for reading, friends and strangers alike. You all rock. And I love that you keep coming back for more.